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Lakewood Personal Injury Lawyer

At Fang Law Firm, our knowledgeable and experienced legal team is ready to help you secure the compensation you deserve. When you need a Lakewood personal injury attorney, call our law office today.

Personal injuries happen in various ways and can cause a victim to experience physical and emotional pain. They can also lead to serious medical bills for a victim and their family. If you or a loved one have sustained a serious injury that was caused by the negligence of someone else, you need to seek legal assistance. Contact us for a free consultation in Lakewood today.

Lakewood Personal Injury Attorney

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Why Choose Fang Law Firm?

When you choose Fang Law Firm, you are choosing a team with a track record of success. At our firm:

  • We have a success rate of 98%.
  • All of our cases are handled by personal injury attorneys in Lakewood, not legal assistants or paralegals.
  • You will always have a direct line of communication with your attorney if you have any questions or concerns about your case.
  • We take our cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will have no out-of-pocket costs and will see no legal fees until we are successful in obtaining your compensation.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

Personal injury cases can become incredibly complex. It will be important for your attorney to conduct a full investigation into the incident in order to secure the injury compensation you need. Your injury attorney is responsible for:

  • Gathering all of the evidence necessary to determine liability, including photos, video surveillance, car accident reports, eyewitness accounts, and more.
  • Communicating with all parties involved, including insurance carriers and any legal teams for the defendant.
  • Negotiating a fair settlement that will cover all of your expenses. Your attorney will be ready to take your case to trial if the other side refuses a fair amount.

If you think you could benefit from hiring an attorney, contact us to find out how we can help. We offer free initial consultations, where you can receive honest legal advice about your case. Our lawyers can take care of many complicated legal tasks for you while you focus on your recovery.

How Do These Injuries Happen?

When someone is injured due to the reckless or negligent actions of another person, they should have legal options to be able to recover compensation. Personal injury cases arise in many different ways. At Fang Law Firm, it is not uncommon for us to handle personal injury cases from the following:

These injuries can lead to significant pain and suffering for accident victims. Not only do injury victims often face significant recovery periods, but they usually incur major medical expenses as well. If a victim cannot work due to their temporary or permanent injuries, they will lose the income they need to support themselves and their families.

Types of Personal Injury Claims

There are several different types of injury claims according to the liability law you are using to hold another person or party accountable. At Fang Law Firm, we represent clients during many different types of personal injury lawsuits, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents. Colorado is a fault state, giving you the right to file a liability suit against the at-fault driver for your damages after an automobile accident.
  • Product liability. If a product contained a defect and injured you, the manufacturer or distributor may be liable for your injuries.
  • Premises liability. Property owners in Colorado have a responsibility to properly maintain and care for their properties. Failure to do so, resulting in an accident from a property defect, can lead to liability for the owner.
  • Medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is the failure of a medical professional to use the correct or accepted standards of care, resulting in patient injury or death.
  • Wrongful death. If someone’s negligence or intent to harm leads to the loss of a life, the victim’s surviving loved ones can file a wrongful death claim against the responsible party.

Your type of claim can determine key legal elements, such as what you need to prove that the defendant is liable. With a strict product liability lawsuit, for example, you do not need to prove negligence. A Lakewood injury attorney can guide you through the requirements for bringing your specific type of claim.

Proving Negligence for a Personal Injury Case

Most personal injury cases are based on the doctrine of negligence. This legal theory means that someone has been careless and given someone else an injury. Typically, to obtain financial compensation for your injuries and medical expenses, you or your lawyer must prove negligence. The burden of proof is a preponderance of the evidence, or enough evidence to demonstrate the defendant is as more likely to be at fault than not at fault.

Proving negligence requires proof of four key elements:

  • Duty of care. A duty of care is an obligation to use a reasonable amount of care, or an amount that a prudent person would use in the same or similar circumstances.
  • A breach of the duty of care. An action (or failure to act) that falls short of the accepted duty of care. This can be an intentional or unintentional violation of the duty of care.
  • Direct cause. There must be a demonstrable connection between the defendant’s breach of duty and your accident or injury. In other words, your accident would not have happened but for the defendant’s act of negligence.
  • Damages. Compensable losses experienced from the act of negligence, such as physical injuries, medical care and lost wages.

Proving negligence in an injury case requires evidence against the defendant. The Lakewood personal injury attorneys from Fang Law Firm can help you collect and preserve evidence by revisiting the scene of the accident, interviewing eyewitnesses, looking at the police report and more. Evidence of negligence can take the form of photographs, videos, a police report, medical records and eyewitness statements. Your lawyer can help you gather evidence for the strongest possible case.

Evidence in a Personal Injury Case

Evidence is a key part of a personal injury case. The burden of proof – or the amount of proof necessary to win a personal injury case as a plaintiff – is clear and convincing evidence that a defendant is responsible for causing the accident or injury in question. The strength of your evidence can make or break your personal injury claim. This is why it is important to seek a lawyer’s assistance in preserving and collecting evidence. The types of evidence available can depend on the specific circumstances of the crash, but may include:

  • A police car accident report
  • Driver sobriety or toxicity tests
  • Photographs and videos
  • Traffic camera or surveillance footage
  • Property damage to both vehicles
  • Eyewitness interviews and statements
  • Depositions
  • A commercial truck’s black box
  • Cell phone records
  • The driver’s employment or medical records
  • The victim’s medical documents
  • Pays stubs and other proof of losses

The other party involved in your case may attempt to conceal or destroy evidence that you can use to support your personal injury claim. Although this is technically illegal, it is unfortunately not uncommon. The best way to preserve and obtain important evidence is by contacting an attorney right away after sustaining a personal injury.

Woman rubbing neck from pain

How Much Compensation is Available for a Lakewood Personal Injury Claim?

If you or someone you care about has been injured due to the negligent or careless actions of someone else, please seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At Fang Law Firm, our Lakewood personal injury lawyers are going to get to work investigating all aspects of your case so our legal team can secure the compensation you are entitled to. This can include:

  • Your medical expenses related to the injury
  • Lost wages and benefits if you cannot work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of personal enjoyment damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the negligent party

There are two categories of damages: compensatory and punitive. Compensatory damages reimburse an injured victim for losses, such as hospital bills and property repairs. Punitive damages are awarded less often; they serve to punish a defendant for especially egregious acts of wrongdoing or gross negligence. It is up to a judge whether or not to award punitive damages based on the circumstances of the case.

How Long Will a Personal Injury Case Take to Resolve?

The answer to this question will depend on your specific case and if you encounter any challenges or complications that make it take longer to complete. Some settlements are achieved in a matter of months, while others drag on for a year or longer. If your case reaches a settlement, expect the insurance process to take about six months or less. If the insurance company refuses to offer a reasonable settlement or you have to go to trial for another reason, however, you may have to wait several months longer for your court date to arrive.

Factors that could make a case take longer include:

  • Serious injuries with longer recovery times
  • A later point of maximum medical improvement
  • Mistakes on the claims paperwork
  • Evidence that is difficult to obtain
  • Lack of cooperation from other parties
  • Liability disputes or multiple defendants
  • Insurance bad-faith tactics, such as payment delays
  • Going to trial

In Colorado, there are laws that determine how long an insurance company has to settle a car accident claim. Upon receiving a valid and complete claim, a Colorado insurance carrier must investigate and decide whether to accept or reject a claim within 60 days of its receipt. If you believe that an insurance carrier is taking an unnecessary or unreasonable amount of time to resolve your case, you may be a victim of insurance bad faith. An attorney at Fang Law Firm can help you resolve a car accident claim as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Time Limit to File a Lakewood Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you wish to file a personal injury claim, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the statute of limitations. This is a law that restricts the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit. The courts adhere strictly to this deadline and very rarely make exceptions for claims that are filed late. If you wait too long to speak to an attorney, you could lose your right to recover financial compensation, even if you have evidence that someone caused your injury.

In Colorado, the statute of limitations is two years for most personal injury cases. This means you have two years from the date of your accident to bring a cause of action. There is an exception, however, if you do not discover your injuries right away. In this case, the time limit starts on the date you discovered or reasonably should have discovered your injury.

Your deadline may differ from two years depending on your claim. If you wish to file a wrongful death lawsuit, for example, you have two years from the date of death rather than the date of the accident. If you are filing a claim against the government in Colorado, you will have a much shorter deadline. These types of claims must be filed within 180 days. Make sure you meet your time limit by contacting an attorney as soon as possible after an accident in Lakewood.

What to Do After Suffering a Personal Injury

There are certain things that you can do immediately after an accident to protect your legal rights and build a stronger claim to damages. There are also things that you should not do. If you get injured in any type of accident in Lakewood, Colorado, take the following steps:

  1. Report the accident to someone, such as 911 or your employer (based on the circumstances).
  2. Do not admit fault for the accident or injury to anyone.
  3. Collect evidence before you leave the scene. This includes taking photographs.
  4. Get the names and contact information of anyone else involved, including eyewitnesses.
  5. Receive medical treatment from a qualified professional without delay.
  6. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan and attend follow-up appointments.
  7. Obtain copies of accident-related records, bills, receipts and other documents.
  8. File an insurance claim, either with your own provider or someone else’s.
  9. Do not rush to accept a settlement until you’ve spoken to a lawyer.
  10. Contact a personal injury lawyer in Lakewood as soon as possible.

Knowing what to do after suffering an injury can help you be more prepared in the event that you become an accident victim. If you need assistance with any part of the recovery process, contact Fang Law Firm anytime for legal advice.

What to Look for in Your Lakewood Injury Lawyer

Not all Lakewood personal injury lawyers are the same. When choosing your attorney, look for signs that he or she is the right fit for you and your case. First, look for extensive experience in your practice area. If you were injured in a commercial truck accident, for example, the lawyer you hire should have on-the-job experience handling this specific type of claim. This will give the lawyer the unique knowledge and information you need.

Get to know the attorney and how the law firm operates by scheduling a free consultation. Meeting with the attorney can help you gain a better understanding of whether he or she is the right fit. Ask the attorney who will be the person handling your case to make sure it is not passed off to an assistant or paralegal. Ask about the attorney’s fees and payment arrangements, as well. You should feel comfortable with the attorney you choose to represent you.

Speak with a Lakewood Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you need a Lakewood personal injury attorney, you can contact Fang Law Firm for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling (720) 379-6363. We want to help you seek full compensation by being your guide through the legal system.