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How Much Is My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim Worth?

June 27, 2019

Surviving a motorcycle accident might not mean you escaped unscathed. You may have suffered serious and expensive losses, ranging from traumatic personal injuries to costly motorcycle damages. Filing an injury claim in Colorado with the help of a Denver motorcycle accident attorney could be the best way to recover your financial losses. The at-fault driver or another party, such as a part manufacturer, could be financially responsible for your damages. The value of your claim will depend on the unique facts of your case.

Man wearing helmet riding a motorcycle

Minor vs. Severe Injuries

In general, the more severe your injuries, the more your case will be worth. Insurance companies look at the extent of your injuries, as well as how much they have impacted your life, to calculate settlements. They may ask to see medical documentation proving the existence of your injuries, as well as a doctor’s opinion on your maximum medical improvement. Maximum medical improvement is the most you will foreseeably recover from your injuries. You might not reach this point for months or even years.

Severe or catastrophic injuries from a motorcycle accident could receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlements or jury verdicts. These injuries include brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paraplegia/quadriplegia, loss of limb, significant scarring or disfigurement, and wrongful death. Significant injuries require more money in medical care and have a greater impact on the victim than minor injuries. Thus, they are typically worth more during an injury claim in Colorado.

Lost Wages and Disability Damages

Personal injuries might not only cost you money in medical bills, but also in wages from the inability to return to work. A motorcycle accident might force you to take days or weeks off work while you undergo treatments and recover. A motorcycle accident claim could reimburse you for the total amount of your lost wages, as well as any lost future earnings.

If a physician believes you cannot return to the job you had before the accident due to a temporary or permanent disability, you may qualify for disability benefits as part of your financial recovery. Disability benefits can reimburse you for your estimated lost future earnings, including promotions and raises. It could also pay for other disability-related expenses, including medical care, a live-in nurse, or home and vehicle disability accommodations.

Expensive Property Damage

Motorcycles can range in price from $5,000 to $10,000 or more depending on the vehicle. If the accident totaled your motorcycle, list the full price of the vehicle as part of your injury claim. List the pre-accident value of the motorcycle, not what it is now worth with the damages. If the wreck damaged your motorcycle but it is not a total loss, claim the amount it will take to restore your vehicle. The insurance company will ask for price estimates from professional mechanics.

Noneconomic Losses

During an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, you have the right to list noneconomic damages as part of the compensation you seek. Noneconomic damages might not have taken money out of your pocket, but instead caused significant physical pain or emotional suffering. The courts in Colorado permit accident victims (and their families, in some cases) to seek restitution for many intangible damages.

  • Psychological distress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Emotional suffering
  • Physical pain
  • Diminished enjoyment or quality of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of a loved one’s care and company

Again, the more severe the motorcycle accident, the more your noneconomic damage award could be. A motorcycle accident that caused catastrophic injuries or the death of a loved one will most likely result in more noneconomic damages than a minor collision. During a lawsuit, it is the jury that determines a noneconomic damage award. Hiring a lawyer to help you demonstrate your tangible and intangible crash-related losses in court could maximize your recovery.