If you need assistance with a dog attack case in Colorado, contact our Longmont dog bite attorneys at Fang Law Firm for a free consultation. Under Colorado law, a dog owner is responsible for paying for your medical bills and other losses after a dog bite injury. Unfortunately, pet owners and their insurers can make it difficult to recover the compensation you deserve.
Our Longmont personal injury attorneys are passionate about helping injured parties achieve justice. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
There are two main types of dog bite laws: strict liability and one-bite states. The strict liability law is more favorable to dog bite victims, as it holds a dog owner strictly liable for injuries and attacks. Strict liability means legal responsibility that does not depend on actual negligence or the defendant’s intent to harm the victim.
In a one-bite state, on the other hand, a victim must prove the dog had bitten at least one person before. This will establish that the pet owner knew or reasonably should have known of the dog’s vicious propensity yet failed to prevent the attack. This is a required element of proof you do not need if you live in a strict liability state, such as Colorado.
Colorado Revised Statute section 13-21-124 states that a pet owner is legally and financially responsible for injuries inflicted by a pet, regardless of whether or not the owner is negligent. It does not matter whether the owner should have known of the pet’s aggressiveness or if the owner was negligent in controlling the dog. Even if the owner did everything a reasonable person would have to prevent the attack, he or she is liable for your bills under state law.
Unfortunately, despite the strict liability dog bite law working in your favor, you may still find it difficult to recover the amount of financial compensation you need for past and future expenses. The insurance company you’re negotiating with may try to save money by paying you as little as possible. It may use certain tactics to take advantage of you:
Devaluing your claim
Most dog bite injury cases involve the pet owner’s homeowners insurance provider. Homeowners insurance generally covers dog bite incidents, as pets are classified as property in Colorado. You may need to hire an animal attack attorney to help you negotiate with the insurer for an adequate amount for serious injuries.
At Fang Law Firm, our Longmont dog bite attorneys have handled more than 10,000 cases between them. We have years of experience representing clients with a wide range of serious injuries from accidents throughout Colorado.
Common injuries involved in dog bite claims include:
Serious injuries can require thousands of dollars in past and future medical care. For example, you may need surgery to repair a severe bite wound or plastic surgery for reconstruction. Do not settle for less compensation than you need from an insurance company – especially with a severe to catastrophic dog bite injury.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a dog attack in Longmont, do not hesitate to contact Fang Law Firm for a free legal consultation. You will meet with one of our animal attack attorneys who will listen to your story, answer your legal questions and give you advice as to what to do next. If we accept you as a client, we will help you demand justice and maximum compensation.
Contact us online or call (720) 379-6363 today to speak to a dog bite injury lawyer in Longmont, Colorado.