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Fort Collins Motorcycle Accident Attorney

A motorcycle accident in Fort Collins can give you serious injuries that have a major effect on you and your family. You may be facing high medical bills, expensive vehicle repairs, and substantial pain and suffering. At Fang Law Firm, our Fort Collins motorcycle accident attorneys are dedicated to seeking justice and compensation on behalf of injured motorcycle accident victims. Find out how we can help you today.

Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Fort Collins

Insurance companies use many tactics to devalue claims and save money on payouts. Two of these tactics are underestimating a claimant’s losses and wrongfully denying valid claims. While an insurance company may seize the opportunity to take advantage of you as an unrepresented client, they will fail to get these tactics past an experienced accident attorney.

Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you can protect your rights and best interests. Your lawyer can properly assess the value of your claim, including what you may require in the future, and negotiate for fair results from the insurer. If the insurance company is unwilling to offer adequate compensation for your injuries, your lawyer can go to trial on your behalf instead.

Motorcycle Accident Laws in Colorado

Colorado is a fault-based car accident state. This means after a motorcycle accident, you have the right to bring a claim for financial compensation through the at-fault party’s insurance provider. Every driver in Colorado must purchase and maintain at least the state’s minimum amounts of required insurance.

As an injured motorcycle accident victim, you can use the at-fault driver’s insurance to pay for your losses, including medical bills and motorcycle repairs. It is up to you or your Fort Collins injury lawyer, however, to prove the other driver was at fault before you can recover compensation.

What Do You Need to Prove to Obtain Compensation for a Motorcycle Accident?

Proving fault involves the legal concept of negligence. In personal injury law, a person is negligent when his or her careless actions injure or kill another person. In most motorcycle accident cases, a lawyer must prove that another party was negligent before that party will be legally responsible for a victim’s losses. Negligence is made up of four key elements:

  1. Duty of care owed. The party you are holding responsible for your accident must have owed you a duty of care. A duty of care is a legal requirement that a person act with the attention and prudence that a reasonable person would in the same circumstances.
  2. Duty of care breached. The at-fault party must have breached his or her duty of care in some way, such as by texting and driving, speeding, or driving drunk. A breach of duty can refer to any act or failure to act that harms others.
  3. Causation for the accident. The party’s breach of duty must have been a significant contributing factor to the motorcycle accident in Fort Collins for him or her to be legally responsible.
  4. Damages suffered. You must have suffered actual losses in the motorcycle accident, such as injuries, medical bills, property damage, emotional distress and lost wages.

Your motorcycle collision attorney can help you prove these four elements using evidence such as photographs, videos, eyewitness accounts, police reports, medical records and help from experts such as crash reconstruction specialists. Evidence can help convince an insurance company or judge of the other party’s fault, requiring that party to reimburse you for many past and future losses.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation in Fort Collins, Colorado

We understand that a motorcycle accident can be a devastating time for you and your family, and we are here to help you in any way we can. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Fort Collins, contact our local motorcycle accident lawyers at Fang Law Firm. We can help you understand and protect your rights, as well as fight for maximum compensation for your injuries and financial damages. We are passionate and dedicated to protecting victims’ rights in Colorado. Call (720) 379-6363 or submit our intake form to learn how we can help you.